1st Floor Cruma Tower 40-45 2nd Floor Cruma Tower 46-50 3rd Floor Cruma Tower 45-50 Abandoned Camp 15-29 Abandoned Coal Mines 10-19 Aden Territory 45-49 Alligator Island 40-58 Ancient Battleground 60-70 Anghel Waterfall 59-65 Ant Nest 36-38 Ascetics Necropolis 60-67 Bandit Stronghold 45-58 Beehive 25-40 Blazing Swamp 65-75 Border Outpost 54-55 Breka Orc Stronghold 30-45 Catacomb of Dark Omens 72-80 Catacomb of the Apostate 50-60 Catacomb of the Branded 40-51 Catacomb of the Forbidden Path 72-80 Catacomb of the Witch 60-72 Cave of Trials 10-22 Cruma Marshland 45-50 Cruma Swamp 44-45 Cruma Swamp 25-45 Devastated Castle 65-65 Devastated Castle 55-65 Devil's Isle 42-65 Dion Hills 20-25 Disciples Necropolis 70-80 Dragon Valley 31-65 Dragon Valley 35-40 Elven Forest 4-19 Elven Fortress 10-22 Elven Ruins 9-35 Execution Grounds 20-25 Execution Grounds 25-45 Fellmere Harvest Grounds 14-25 Fellmere Lake 25-25 Field of Silence 30-54 Field of Whispers 34-50 Floran Agricultural Area 30-35 Forsaken Plains 54-60 Frozen Valley 1-7 Garden of Eva 40-65 Garden of Shilen 1-7 Giant's Cave 55-66 Gorgon's Flower Garden 30-38 Heretics Catacomb 30-40 Hero's Valley 1-7 Hunters Valley 40-45 Hunters Village 39-50 Ivory Tower 40-55 Lair of Antharas 60-75 Langk Lizardman Dwelling 16-30 Looting Area of Evil Spirits 14-21 Maille Lizardman Barracks 20-30 Martyr's Necropolis 65-72 Mithril Mines 19-30 Necropolis of Sacrifice 20-30 Neutral Zone 15-20 Ol Mahum Checkpoint 22-25 Orc Barracks 24-35 Partisan Hideaway 23-45 Patriots Necropolis 52-60 Pilgrims Necropolis 32-40 Plains of Dion 23-35 Plains of the Lizardmen 35-50 Red Rock Ridge 29-35 Red Rock Ridge 22-35 Ruins Bend 19-23 Ruins Bend 19-23 Ruins of Agony 15-44 Ruins of Despair 15-25 Saints Necropolis 70-78 School of Dark Arts 10-22 Sea of Spores 40-48 Shadow of the Mother Tree 1-14 Silent Valley 59-79 Skyshadow Meadow 50-60 Spiders Nest 16-20 Swampland 13-39 Talking Island Village 1-7 Tanor Canyon 40-50 The Ant Nest 29-38 The Cemetary 49-70 The Enchanted Valley 45-56 The Forbidden Gateway 60-75 The Forest of Mirrors 40-56 Timak Orc Barracks 40-57 Tower of Insolence 60-79 Tower of Insolence 74-75 Wasteland 25-39 Western Mining Region 8-17 Windawood Manor 22-25 Windmill Hill 15-20 Windy Hill 26-60 Worshipers Necropolis 42-51 Доктор Некр